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Back Pain is very common, with around 80% of us experiencing lower back pain at some point in our lives. Around 10 million people in the UK each year suffer with lower back pain.

Back pain can be scary and it can significantly impact your ability to move around and perform your daily activities.

If you have back pain, it is important to have a thorough assessment, to understand the cause of the pain.

Lower back pain can be as a result of many factors, including poor mobility, disc injuries, muscular overloads, nerve related pain and psychological stressors.

Our Physiotherapists are experienced at helping people recover from lower back pain. We can help you to overcome your pain and also learn how to prevent it returning in the future, or giving you great tips on how to manage your pain during a flare-up.

Examples of Low Back Pain include:

How Limitless Physiotherapy & Performance can help you:

Our Physiotherapists will help you to identify the root cause of your symptoms, to ensure you can not only become free from pain, but also improve your performance and prevent the injury from returning.

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